Executive Voice

Home Improvement and its impact on the mind

A home gives humans a lot. From a safe place to space for creativity and relaxation. Usually, a home is a place where people feel confident, strong, and have the full freedom of being themselves. 

A minority of this world can call themselves lucky because they have space, a home where they can always go. There are still so many people who don´t have a home, who live in public spaces. They don´t have the opportunity to have a private room, a place to cook good food, or a space to sleep. 

Having a home has a very strong impact on human health. A home is a safe place where an individual or family is safe, can take care of their mental and physical health, have a hygienic place and space where they can be themselves. 

Things that impact mental health as well are home improvements. Having a house or apartment is important but making it a home is even more essential. From painting the walls in different colors, making a bath remodel, or putting new flowers… That’s what makes a house, apartment or room a “home”.

It gives identity

By home improvement or renovation, an individual can implement their very own design or taste. By doing this people identify with their homes. They have the feeling: Hey I did that, that looks so good. That is how I wanted it to look. I feel comfortable around that. A home is a very personal space that can be designed and transformed in the craziest ways. Having a place where a person feels comfortable strengthens the mind. It gives people identity.

A place of belonging

Sometimes we visit a place, sleep in a hotel or stay in a friend’s house. Mostly, we feel a little strange. It is not the same as being home. We don´t have the feeling that we would love to stay in a hotel room forever. A hotel room is pretty un-individual. All rooms look the same and there is no personal thing. A home with all its improvements and renovations gives the feeling of belonging. It is a place where a person feels connected.

It is a central returning place

A home is a place that we leave in the morning, we spend the whole day outside but at the end of the day, we return. A real home where a human feel connected is always a place of returning. It´s not like a hotel room where we don´t have any connection. We stay in a hotel room for some nights but we don´t feel like we belong there. A home is a place where people always want to go back to recover, recharge and relax.

It gives us a fresh mind

Renovating a room, putting new color on the wall, buying a new table or flowers make us feel fresh. Many people say that they sometimes need a new haircut to make their minds fresh. It´s the same with home improvement. It gives the feeling of cleanliness and makes the mind fresh.

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