
Matt Tommy’s 2-Step Guide to Closing More Clients

I get asked the question of ‘Matt, why can’t I close?’ all the time from agency owners, coaches and fellow Entrepreneurs. My reply is simple, ‘half the battle in sales is creating a no brainer offer’. I ask them back ‘Is the packaged offer irresistible? Does it solve their pain points? And are you speaking your market’s language?’.

Creating An Irresistible Offer:

How do you create irresistible no brainer offer? You have to roll up your sleeves and ask your market. If you are in real-estate for example talk to realtors, lenders, brokers, title companies, financing companies and first understand each stage of the transaction. Once that’s done, ask them what would be perfect pitch or a complete no brainer offer? Write down word for word what they say and survey about 20-30 people. You will find patterns and within these patterns is where your offer lays. Package the offer using their exact words and that’s how you have an irresistible offer!

Digging for Gold- Find Their Pain Points:

The next thing you will want to do is figure out their pain points, what is it that they want to achieve and what’s their ultimate desire. In the previous step, you would have done some research about your market and would have stumbled across some numbers. Again, if you were in real estate, how much does a lender make on a transaction? 1 or 2 points? What’s the commission? Same for the Realtor and the broker and the title agent? What credit score does the buyer need to be approved to purchase a house? These are things that you have to understand because you want to be positioned as an expert who understands the space so well they think you are a realtor not a marketer. Once you have these numbers, ask the prospect or the realtor what their goals are and if they’re anywhere near where they want to be. That is your golden question.

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