Executive Voice

Sachin Patel Demonstrates Business’ Best Qualities

As America sinks its teeth deeper into the industrial boom that carried humans from rural towns to cities with multiple millions of people populating them, a few canines are bound to fall out. Capitalism, as it stands currently, truly is a game about rising to the top– and there are winners and losers. More and more in the past 30-or-so years, the youth are becoming content with the idea of living paycheck to paycheck and never really striving for something greater for themselves and their children, one day. Capitalism is beginning to show its age in this regard, as the numbers in the next generation of entrepreneurs dwindles with each passing one. Sachin Patel, however, has moved past this trap of society and wishes to guide other young people towards a life of pursuing their dreams and turning passions into paychecks.

Born in the suburbs of Houston, Texas, Sachin was raised in an insanely diverse population of individuals. Every culture, religion, ethnic background, and upbringing was apparent in Sachin’s youth. In high school, just as everyone begins to settle into young adulthood and develop their paths for their future, Sachin began to see the differences in a whole different way. While he was always raised to reach for the sky in his every endeavor, everyone around him seemed to simply wish to float through the workforce for 60 years, retire after a couple kids, and then perish. This deeply distraught Sachin, who, as an empathetic person, felt for their extinguished childhood dreams. When a child says he wants to be an astronaut, or a doctor, or a CEO of a giant business, very rarely do they actually arrive at their dream. Sachin saw these dreams die in the people he grew up around, and knew that there absolutely had to be a change.

Sachin then decided that in the future, he would start a non-profit organization to guide and channel the next generation of business owners into the resources, guidance, and opportunities they need to be extremely successful. With Sachin’s background, he is more than capable to teach on this subject. Growing up as a first-generation Indian-America, Sachin watched his parent’s build a multimillion-dollar family name from nothing. As of now, Sachin’s family owns 5 pristine check-cashing sites across the Houston and greater-Houston areas. Sachin’s father and idol, Rajendra Patel, owns one of the most well-known automobile service companies in Texas– Texas Auto Trim. Using the knowledge and experience passed onto him by his parents, Sachin is sure he can usher in the new American dream, one in which the children of now are sure to become leaders of the future.

To keep up with Sachin Patel, he can be found on his Instagram: @ptp_sachin

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