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Cultivate Lasting Symphony With Craig Landon Siegel

The COVID-19 Pandemic came as a shock to virtually everyone in the world. Economies crumbled, businesses failed and millions of individuals around the world were left without hope. However, certain individuals chose to see the light during the outset of the pandemic. The founder of Cultivate Lasting Symphony was one of them.

Recently, I got the chance to interview Craig Landon Siegel. Craig is the founder of Cultivate Lasting Symphony- A brand built to inspire and elevate people’s state so that they can transform and manufacture BIG breakthroughs. Craig believes that people’s stories can have a completely different ending, no matter how old they are, or where they are at in life. By revamping your mindset, you change your map of the world.

In this interview, we learn how the COVID-19 Pandemic served as a turning point for Craig, and how his firm, CLS, helps people achieve their life’s purpose.

1. What inspired you to start your firm Cultivate Lasting Symphony?

This is a phenomenal question, but I wouldn’t do it justice if I didn’t give two answers. The first one is as follows. The Pandemic provided me the first opportunity in over a decade to take a minute for myself, with no distractions. At this moment, the stars aligned for me, because you see, my passion has always been to help people and to inspire them to become their best selves.

 I finally was able to identify my true calling. From there, I wasted zero time, and the rest is history. The second answer was about my purpose, and in that moment that I had, discovered that this isn’t about me. Cultivate Lasting Symphony (CLS) would become a beacon of hope for the world. A shining light to lead the way for people to follow to enhance their lives. This may sound corny, but if you are familiar with Batman, he is supposed to represent a symbol of protection to his Gotham City. 

For me, CLS represents faith, transformation, and a way to revamp your mindset so that each of us can fulfill our own destiny. 

2. What are some of the obstacles that you’ve faced and how have you overcome them?

The biggest obstacle that I had when I began the journey that is Cultivate Lasting Symphony was my uncertainty that my message would hit home. I knew throughout the years, as I built businesses in other industries, that friends, family, and acquaintances would gravitate towards me to feel inspired, but not until the Pandemic did I take my ability to communicate with others and make it my life. 

My biggest obstacle when I decided I wanted to run with CLS was “who am I? Why should people listen to me? Why should people take my message to heart?” And then I took a good hard look into my soul and realized that what’s proprietary about Craig Landon Siegel is in fact, Craig Landon Siegel. I am my own testimonial. I did start multiple businesses from the ground up. I did transform from being unable to run a mile to conquering four marathons the very next year. I do have a story to tell. 

And from there, it was going to come down to my ability to perform and deliver in such a way that it would resonate with the audience and the masses, and they would feel it in their hearts. That’s what has brought me here today. Fortunately, I can confirm that the Movement has resonated. 

3. As a coach, how do you motivate your students?

This is tricky because it’s not a one size fits all. Every human being in this world is unique and special in their own way. Each of us may create a different model of the world we share and thus, come to live in a somewhat different reality. So when I coach, it’s all about helping people become aware of his or her map of the world and then re-map their mindset in a much more empowering and effective way. A way that provides direction, rather than limitation.

For me, inspiring people is very simple. All you have to do is watch one of my videos. However, inspiration can be temporary. By revamping someone’s mindset, you can alter their entire DNA.

Seeing my students and clients totally transform in a matter of weeks is the most special and liberating feeling I’ve ever experienced. That’s what it’s all about for me. 

4. You’ve built two 8-figure businesses from the ground up, do you think that’s been hard work or luck? Maybe a bit of both?

I try to remain as humble as I possibly can, but in business, a lot of success has to do with desire and work ethic. Because I wouldn’t consider myself very talented. But let me tell you what I am great at, sharpening the ax, studying, journaling, reading, beating on my craft, and make no mistake about it, I’ve had plenty of setbacks, but sometimes that’s how you learn and evolve.

In regards to luck, I would consider myself the luckiest man in the world because I’m living in a state of gratitude, and I get to speak to my family every single day, and I’m doing what I absolutely love to do and what I was born to do, and that’s to elevate people’s lives, to give them a more fulfilling life experience. 


Now that we know all about Craig and his firm, Cultivate Lasting Symphony, the next step would be to reach out to him and get ready for the experience of a lifetime. Both of you will go on a journey that will revamp your mindset. As stated by Craig, after the journey, you will be able to think in abundance and be open to the universe. You will conquer Moonshots. You will gain clarity on your vision, purpose, and personal values. You will develop techniques to overcome limiting beliefs. And You will absolutely learn how to develop more confidence. 

When you work with Craig Siegel, you get every ounce of him. His blood, sweat, and tears. All of his energy. This will lead you to finding your passion and living your best life.

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