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Dheeraj Shaji: No Pain No Gain

Success doing Online business

We are in a world full of competition, and it’s tough to maintain your position, but Dheeraj Shaji, a young Entrepreneur, has achieved his goal at a very young age. He has made sure that he knows where he will end up in his future career. He comes from a humble background where he had many obstacles – which he overcame courageously. He says, “You need to focus on your goal, believe and defend it if you want to achieve it.”

Dheeraj’s Love For SuperCars

Besides business, Dheeraj’s love for cars is genuinely impressive. In his free time, he loves driving, and that makes him think about what his next step in the future should be. He has participated in many drag races and also awarded for being outstanding. He also loves long-distance drives, which he does every week without fail. He says traveling makes him refresh his mind and soul.

Dheeraj Shaji also does charity work to the people in his society by helping them. He provides food and other facilities they need. His contributions to the community are priceless. “Everyone must play a role and try to come forward to donate or be help those in need.

His garage is full of supercars. His passion for cars has made been a motivation for him to achieve his goal. He was yearning to drive his dream cars, and thus he put effort into what he was doing. He likes to meet new prominent people in their respective fields. This is because he is always learning new things, and getting them from experts is the best mode of learning. He is also a motivation for many young people and proof that hard work never goes unrewarded.

No Pain No Gain

To keep on traveling, Dheeraj must keep on hustling. “To achieve, we must have good health, that’s why I motivated due to fitness and meditation.” He does a good round of exercises in his morning session, which helps him to enjoy his day.

He always loves meeting young people to inspire them through his story. He ensures that the upcoming generation knows the importance of hard work. He shows then what you can reap if you are resilient and smart.

“If you don’t have a dream and a goal, you can hardly succeed in whatever you are doing.” He continues being a source of motivation, and he has mentored many youths. “Success does not come easily. You earn it.” He concludes.

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Disrupt ™ is the voice of latino entrepreneurs around the world. We are part of a movement to increase diversity in the technology industry and we are focused on using entrepreneurship to grow new economies in underserved communities both here in Puerto Rico and throughout Latin America. We enable millennials to become what they want to become in life by learning new skills and leveraging the power of the digital economy. We are living proof that all you need to succeed in this new economy is a landing page and a dream. Disrupt tells the stories of the world top entrepreneurs, developers, creators, and digital marketers and help empower them to teach others the skills they used to grow their careers, chase their passions and create financial freedom for themselves, their families, and their lives, all while living out their true purpose. We recognize the fact that most young people are opting to skip college in exchange for entrepreneurship and real-life experience. Disrupt Magazine was designed to give the world a taste of that.