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Women Who Disrupt

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Insights from a Forbes-Recognized Performance Coach

Finding your voice in a world that often tries to silence or overshadow the voices of women can be a particularly challenging yet empowering journey. For aspiring female leaders, entrepreneurs, and creatives, establishing a vibrant and resonant voice amidst the noise of societal expectations and gender norms is not just about personal expression—it’s an act of defiance and empowerment. 

One woman who is leading the charge in this empowering journey is Whitney Alexandra, a visionary entrepreneur and advocate for female leadership. Her story is not just about breaking glass ceilings; it’s about crafting a new narrative for women in leadership roles.

In this captivating interview with Disrupt Magazine, Whitney Alexandra opens up about her transformative experiences and how they have shaped her approach to coaching and empowering women.

Background and Personal Journey 

As a performance coach, Whitney doesn’t just focus on business growth; she emphasizes personal growth, resilience, and breaking through societal barriers that often hold women back.

Whitney began her career in a corporate environment, where she quickly recognized the disparities and challenges faced by women in climbing the professional ladder. Imagine spending a decade mastering the art of business growth, only to find your dream job slipping away. That’s exactly what happened to her. But, rather than see this as a setback, she embraced it as a launchpad into the thrilling world of entrepreneurship. It’s here that she discovered her true calling: combining her corporate wisdom with a newfound passion for mindset and performance coaching.

Whitney’s pivotal experience came from an unlikely source – a simple yet profound moment involving Tom Ford’s perfume. This encounter catalyzed a significant shift in her coaching philosophy. She realized the immense power of language, particularly the word “desire.” 

Moving away from conventional terms like “want” or “need,” Whitney began to infuse her coaching with words that spoke to deeper emotions and aspirations. This approach not only changed how she interacted with her clients but also how they perceived and pursued their goals. It was about turning the journey towards these goals into an exhilarating and passionate pursuit.

Coaching Philosophy and Approach

Whitney’s approach to coaching is refreshingly unique. She blends evidence-based strategies with intuitive insights, drawing upon her rich experiences in the corporate world and as an entrepreneur. This blend sets her apart from traditional coaches who may stick rigidly to established scripts and methodologies. Whitney believes in a personalized approach, adapting her strategies to meet the unique needs and ambitions of each client.

A prime example of her innovative method is how she tackles common issues like revenue plateaus with clients. Instead of conventional scaling techniques, Whitney encourages her clients to “break their business” – to think creatively and ambitiously, aiming for exponential growth. This strategy often leads to transformational results, helping clients not only reach new heights in their businesses but also redefine their personal definitions of success.

Whitney’s work has led her to receive recognition from some of the biggest platforms out there – including the Forbes Business Council. This platform has allowed her to amplify her mission of empowering women entrepreneurs. Through her role, Whitney has contributed significantly to discussions and publications, shaping the narrative around women in business. Her influence extends beyond the written word to podcasts, speaking engagements, and more, helping her reach a global audience of aspiring and established women entrepreneurs.

Challenges and Triumphs

In her 20 years of coaching, one of the most significant challenges Whitney faces is helping women entrepreneurs find a balance between their professional aspirations and personal lives. This challenge is particularly acute for women who are often juggling multiple roles. Whitney’s most rewarding moments come from helping her clients achieve this balance, seeing them thrive both in their businesses and personal lives.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Whitney’s advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs is clear and pragmatic. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on revenue-generating activities and setting ambitious yet achievable targets. Her mantra is to prioritize action over perfection, urging women to take quick, decisive steps towards their goals. This approach is about building momentum and fostering a mindset geared towards growth and success.

Looking ahead, Whitney is committed to evolving her coaching strategies to meet the changing needs of women entrepreneurs. She understands that the business landscape is dynamic and that staying ahead requires continuous learning and adaptation. Whitney envisions developing her own coaching methodologies, tailored specifically for women entrepreneurs, to help them navigate the unique challenges they face.

Contact Information

Website: Whitneyalexandra.co

Email: whitney@whitneyalexandra.co

Instagram: @whitney.alexandra

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