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Where Producing and Storytelling Meet

Laura Medeiros
Laura Medeiros

From the bustling city of Porto Alegre in Brazil to the star-studded streets of Hollywood, Laura Medeiros’ journey into the world of film production has been nothing short of cinematic itself. As a young girl captivated by movies, Laura’s early ambition was to become an actress. However, her passion for storytelling soon drove her toward the director’s chair, and soon made her discover her true calling—producing.

From Starry-Eyed Spectator to Story Weaver

At a young age, Laura had the chance to be exposed to all kinds of films, absorbing cinematic landscapes that many might have deemed too mature for her. But it was through this exposure that she soon found an appreciation for the art of storytelling and filmmaking. She soon realized that if she wanted to share the entire filmmaking process, being just an actress wouldn’t cut it.

“When I was younger, acting seemed like the ideal path to be a part of this world I loved,” Laura recalls. “But the more I learned about the industry, the more I realized that as a producer, I could be involved in all stages of a film, from concept to the final cut.”

Striking the Balance Between Budget and Brilliance

Laura’s edge in a highly competitive industry stems from two things: her nuanced understanding of budgeting and her hands-on involvement in script development. It’s a symbiotic relationship; her knack for story development complements her savvy budgeting skills, making her an asset to any project.

“What sets me apart is my ability to strike a balance,” Laura explains. “I value the creative integrity of a film immensely. At the same time, I understand that we operate in a business environment, which comes with budget constraints.”

It’s this equilibrium that allows her to preserve the creative and emotional value of a story, making it appealing and interesting for audiences without being financially draining.

An Award-Winning Journey 

Her journey so far has not gone unnoticed. Her short film, “Good Times/Bad Times,” a psychological dive into the life of a pixie dream girl with a dark secret, has toured film festivals from California to Virginia. Garnering recognition at festivals like The Valley Film Festival and The Indie Horror Film Festival, among others.

Currently, Laura is entering the pre-production phase of an action film titled “No Loose Ends,” promising another exhilarating venture that carries her unique stamp by partnering up with Director and Producer, Sebastián Berenguer.

Crafting Tomorrow’s Cinema Today

So, where does Laura see herself a few years down the line? “I aim to continue helping aspiring filmmakers and adapt to whatever comes my way to create films that are masterpieces and captivate audiences,” she says.

For those venturing into the world of filmmaking, Laura has some parting advice: “Don’t be afraid to put your work out there. Seize the chance to showcase your talent and make your mark in the film world. The industry thrives on credits and recognition; your film’s exposure is an investment in your own growth as a filmmaker.”

In a world where filmmaking often oscillates between commercial pressures and artistic aspirations, Laura Medeiros has found her sweet spot. Whether she’s navigating budget spreadsheets or brainstorming story arcs, she is guided by a singular vision—to develop stories in an effective way, without losing their creative value. With this unique approach, Laura is indeed crafting worlds on screen and leaving an indelible mark on the world of cinema.

For more about Laura Medeiros, visit her IMDb Profile or her website.


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